Northeastern University Dining Services Blog

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Healthy Foods for Hectic Times

Thursday, December 8, 2011 | 11:34 AM Posted by Northeastern Dining , , , , , 1 comment

I know there is a lot of stress this time of year with final exams and assignments starting today (not to mention that we are already in the thick of the holiday season) so here are some foods you can find here on campus that can help you manage your stress during this hectic time.
  • Asparagus is high in folic acid which can help stabilize your mood.
  • Beef helps to stabilize your mood as it is rich in zinc, iron and B vitamins.
  • Low fat cottage cheese and low fat yogurt are typically high in protein and tend to keep you satiated for a longer period of time.
  • Fruits that are high in vitamin C, such as oranges, strawberries, or grapefruit, are a great source of antioxidants. These fruits can be eaten by themselves, or mixed with cottage cheese or yogurt, and provide essential nutrients to combat stress.
  • Tuna, which is a great lunch item, is typically high in B6 and B12 vitamins and is also a good source for low fat protein.
  • Cornflakes or other crispy rice cereals are generally fortified with B vitamins and folic acid. Eaten dry, these make a great afternoon snack.
  • Tea is known to have calming effects - especially the caffeine free varieties.
Finally, if you are out shopping and looking at the labels of foods not available on campus it may be confusing as to what benefit(s) your body is getting from a certain vitamin or mineral. Here is a handy chart you can look at, or even print out and bring with you to the store, that explains some of the basic benefits of these essential nutrients.

Vitamin C As an antioxidant it minimizes cell damage in the body, aids in wound healing and may even help to shorten the length of a cold
Vitamin A An antioxidant that minimizes cell damage and is necessary for normal vision
Folate Important for new cell development. Vital in the prevention of neural tube defects
Potassium Important for nerve and muscle function and fluid balance
Iron Found in the red blood cells and helps to transport oxygen in the body
Magnesium Involved in muscle and nerve function
Calcium Essential for bone health and muscle contractions
Fiber Helps to regulate digestion and can reduce ones risk for heart disease and diabetes

1 comment:

  1. Most of us know that the biggest benefits of eating healthy are that we will stay physically fit, feel better, and have fewer illnesses. We can lower our risk of illnesses like heart disease and diabetes as well.

    good diet plan
