As you make the finishing touches on final papers or exams during your last few days on campus, I wanted to let everyone know about some of our exciting plans for the upcoming summer.
As everyone knows Curry Student Center will be closed for renovations over the summer. We are incredibly excited about the new restaurant concepts and seating options that will be available to you come Fall 2012. If you want a sneak peak of what the new Curry Food Court will look like, stop by there tomorrow, Wednesday, April 25, from 11:30 to 1:30. We'll have a scale model of the design as well as floor plans and schematics of the new space - including the brand new mezzanine seating level! With Curry under construction until August this also means the H3 food truck will be in action every day this summer with a fun menu for everyone still on campus. Over the summer we will also be creating and testing new recipes and ideas for H3 - and in the dining halls as well.

Good luck with your final projects and tests and congratulations to the graduating class of 2012. Have a great summer everyone!
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