Northeastern University Dining Services Blog

Monday, March 15, 2021


Monday, March 15, 2021 | 2:23 PM Posted by Northeastern Dining No comments

Sea vegetables, commonly called edible seaweed, are a class of marine algae packed with healthful nutritional value. Used for centuries around the world with documented use in Asian and Aztec civilizations, edible seaweed was one of the hottest food trends in 2015 as it gained popularity in American cuisine.

Today we will be working with green seaweed. Green seaweeds get their pigment from chlorophyll. They can absorb the largest amount of light energy and found in coastal waters. Edible forms of green seaweed are sometimes referred to as sea lettuce. (Today’s Dietitian)

Seaweed is rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including sulfated polysaccharides known to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral and cardiovascular benefits. Seaweed can be included in soups, salads, and other dishes beyond sushi.

Food’s carbon footprint: Eating a plant-based diet can reduce your footprint by cutting down on red meats such as beef and lamb. What’s your diet’s carbon footprint?

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Vegetable Sushi

Recipe is for 1 roll (8 slices). Calories 90, Fat 3g, Saturated Fat 0.5g, Carbohydrate 15g, Protein 1.5g, Fiber 1.5g, Sodium 4mg


Step 1

  • ½ each Dried Nori Seaweed Sheet
  • 3 oz Sushi Rice-white short grain (cooked)
  • *Pro Tip: wash rice before cooking, rinse until
  • water is clear. This will get remove some of the
  • starches. Fluff rice after cooked.
  • 1 oz Cucumber, peeled, Julienne-Slice
  • 1 oz Bell pepper Julienne-Slice
  • 1 oz Avocado Julienne-Slice
  • 1 oz Shredded carrot
  • 2 tbsp Rice wine vinegar

Step 3

  • 1¼ cup Rice, white short grain
  • 1½ cup Water, cold
  • 1½ oz Rice Wine Vinegar
  • ¼ oz Sugar, granulated


Prep + cook time: 55 minutes

  1. Wash and rinse rice with fresh water three for four times then drain water. Add place rice in rice cooker.
  2. Add cold water to the rice cooker and gently mix the rice and water. Switch on the rice cooker and let it set for 50 minutes (30 min. for Cook, 20 min. for Steam). Rice needs to be cooked to 150 F.
  3. Empty hot cooked rice (150 F) into shallow container. Fold rice with rubber spatula and fan to release steam from cooked rice as much as possible for approximately 1 minute.
  4. Sprinkle rice wine vinegar and Awasezu (8oz. Rice Wine Vinegar and 2oz. Sugar) over the rice and incorporate using spatula in cutting motion (Should be done in about two minutes.)
  5. Cool the sushi rice in a refrigerator until temperature reaches 41F or lower.


Prep time: 10 minutes

  • Lay ½ the Nori sheet on the rolling mat with the rough side facing up.
    1. Place cooked rice (41 degrees or lower) onto Nori sheet and spread equally over the sheet leaving the upper margin uncovered. (Roughly ¼ inch thick)
    2. Place strips of cucumber, bell pepper, avocado, and carrot, on the uncovered edge of the Nori
    3. Using the closer edge of the rolling mat, close on the filling with the Nori making a rectangular shaped hill and tighten it from above. Move forward and continue rolling, keeping it tight with every move until you reach the end of the Nori . Put pressure on the roll form all three side at all times, especially on stops to allow it to roll tightly.
    4. Store in cooler at 41 F or lower until ready to slice and serve.


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